Hall Commissioners

As a Well-Being Commissioner, you will become the go-to person for all things wellness in your hall. Based on the wellness needs of your specific community, you will receive a budget to plan and organize two wellness programs per year for your hall as you encourage your fellow residents to live a well-balanced lifestyle.  Hall Commissioners receive training each fall, and have the opportunity to meet at McWell to share ideas, learn more about well-being, and have fun! 

Hall Commissioner Photo

Reasons to become a Hall Commissioner with McWell: 

As a Well-Being Commissioner for your hall, you’ll have a sound understanding of key health issues that college students face and not to mention you’ll be planning some of your own interactive events for your hall too. You’ll build your skills in outreach and communication and will also get the opportunity to be a contributor to a newly-established department on campus…the chance to leave a lasting legacy!   

Interested in becoming a Commissioner with our team?  Please contact mcwell@nd.edu