Virtual Services & Resources

There are a number of great virtual resources and free content available to support your well-being.  Explore the websites or documents below to find something that works for you.

Emotional Well-Being and Resilience

TimelyCare Telehealth: While students are encouraged to visit UHS and UCC during business hours, this additional service provides after-hours access to medical care and 24/7 access to mental telehealth care across the United States, with no cost at the time of your visit.

UCC Talkline: Available  24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To reach a counselor call  +1-574-631-TALK.

Calm Premium Subscription: As a way to help students, faculty, and staff care for their emotional well-being, the University has partnered with Calm. The Calm app provides tools to help you relax, focus, and rest through guided sessions on sleep, meditation, and relaxation. Sign up for a free, premium subscription using your netID by following these instructions.

Therapy Assisted Online (TAO): This University Counseling Center TAO includes interactive sessions, mindfulness exercises and practice tools all aimed at helping you achieve your goals.

Growing Through Adversity - Resilience Toolkit: A collection of self-guided activities to strengthen your resilience skills.

Building Individual Resilience: A brief guided worksheet to support individual resilience

How to Breathe Guide: A variety of calming and energizing breathing activities.

Mindful Self Compassion: A brief guided meditation worksheet to offer yourself the same kindness you offer others.

Emotional Well-Being Conversations Toolkit: A guide for how you might support a friend or family member.

Making Meaning in Times of Loss: A worksheet to guide you through making meaning out of loss.

Navigating the Unknown: A worksheet to guide you through what you can and can not control.

Koru Mindfulness: Free guided meditations and breathing exercises.

Down Dog App: Free use of app for students, teachers, and healthcare workers.

Environmental Well-Being

Peaceful Places Guide from our GROW peer educators with spaces on campus and activities to take a brief break

Intellectual Well-Being

Take a Break - Creating a Restorative Routine: A toolkit with guidance for finding new ways to add breaks into your daily life.

How to Be Productive: A brief worksheet to support your productivity.

Time Management: A brief worksheet to help you plan your time.

Exams Planner: A toolkit to help you schedule time to study for midterms and finals.

Self Check and Staying Motivated: A brief reflection about motivation.

Creating Healthy Routines: A short worksheet to support you in creating a healthy routine that works for you.

Creating Light: Reflect, Goal Set, and Plan for the New Year: A values and reflection toolkit to help you make sure what is important to you is part of your schedule.

Physical Well-Being

TimelyCare Telehealth: While students are encouraged to visit UHS and UCC during business hours, this additional service provides after-hours access to medical care and 24/7 access to mental telehealth care across the United States, with no cost at the time of your visit.

Fuel Yo' Self - The Dining Halls & Beyond: A GROW peer educator guide with ideas and resources for creative and healthy eating.

Social Well-Being

Cultivating Connectedness: A toolkit of activities to help make friends, ease feelings of loneliness, and strengthen a sense of connection with self and others.

How To Make Friends: A set of guided activities to help you understand many aspects of friendship.

Offering Kindness to Self & Others: A set of worksheets to guide you through offering kindness to self and others.

Spiritual Well-Being

Mindfulness Menu: A list of mindfulness, prayer, and spiritual options.