Social Well-Being

Life is better when we connect to others.


Human beings are social creatures. We need human interaction and positive relationships in order to thrive. Luckily, you live in a community of 12,000 students with whom you can connect. 

  1. Attend fall welcome back picnics and events hosted by various departments across campus.
  2. Join a student club or organization and meet people who share your interests.
  3. Serve through the Center for Social Concerns and help meet the needs of others.
  4. Form an intramural team with friends—and strangers—from your hall. Competing and learning to work together as a team will help form meaningful friendships.
  5. Get out of your comfort zone. Attend an event you might not otherwise attend and meet people with interests and opinions different than your own.
  6. Become a peer educator by taking advantage of one of the many student opportunities across campus.
  7. Pause to reflect on who in your life brings you joy and energy and invite them to spend more time together.

There are so many ways to be social at Notre Dame.

Below we’ve collected a number of on-campus resources that will enable you to connect with others, develop meaningful relationships, and make the most of Notre Dame’s vibrant social life.

Virtual Resources:

McWell Resources: 

Campus Resources: