
Nurturing Friendships

"Good friends are like stars."

With this week of Spring Break & Beyond focusing on "Being a Friend" and social well-being, we thought we'd share some info about how to nurture your friendships.  Here are some helpful tips, presented by the…

Prepping for a Safer Spring Break

Spring Break Health and Safety Tips

Whether you are staying on campus, going home, or going to a new destination, it's never too early to start thinking about spring break safety.  Make this year's spring break memorable by having fun and helping yourself, your friends, and others stay safe…

What is Financial Well-Being?

Using your dollars and "sense."

By now, you may have found our second collectible postcard for Spring Break & Beyond by visiting us or the Office of Student Enrichment on the second floor of LaFortune.  The featured topic of the postcard this…

Featured Recipe

The Ultimate Burrito

Thinking about your next dining hall meal and wanting to add your own personal flair?  Consider trying this featured recipe utilizing ingredients that already exsist at NDH/SDH.  

While takeout restaurant burritos are delicious and made with natural and generally…

Facing Holiday Stress?

For some, the holidays can be a stressful time.  This article from Psychology Today suggests that much of our holiday stress stems from perfectionism.  We often will hear…

Clean Hands Save Lives

Have you noticed yummy soaps in your main Hall bathrooms and in other places around campus?  McWell is sharing these suds with you in hopes that you will take a moment to remember how important handwashing is, in honor of National Handwashing Awareness Week.  Regular handwashing, particularly before…

World AIDS Day

Today, December 1, is World AIDS Day - a day to acknowledge our progress in HIV prevention and treatment around the world and renew our commitment to a future free of HIV.  To read more information from the CDC, click here

Here's a Major Health Reason to Get Outside During the Wintertime

As the days get shorter and the chilly weather rolls in, we all want to curl up in a blanket and hibernate until spring rolls around. But making time to get outside in the sun, even when it’s cold out, could have bigger mood benefits than you might realize. 

Managing Election Stress

Courtesy of the JED Foundation

If you've found recent political campaigns and the election to be emotionally challenging and dramatic, here are a few tips for you to manage the stress. Click the Jed Foundation link for…

Here's an Election-night Meditation to help you Chill in the Final Days

In these last few days of the election, it feels like the air is thinner, and like the stakes have never been higher. According to the American Psychological Association, the election is a source of "significant stress" for 52% of Americans. Another poll, from the University of Minnesota, found that 93% of people surveyed agree this is the worst election ever. 

Why Coloring is Good for You

If you haven’t been swept up in the adult-coloring craze yet, find a few pencils and try it with the mandala (below), a Buddhist symbol of the universe. Feel relaxed? It’s probably not just because you’re getting back into kindergarten brain.

Here's How Study Breaks Boost Learning

Students in school are rarely given opportunities to rest and reflect on the knowledge they’ve acquired, but a new study suggests that giving the mind a little targeted downtime could be a highly effective way to boost learning.

Fall Break Hours

Spending time on campus over Fall Break?  McWell will be open, but will close earlier than usual.  Next week (October 17-21) we will only be open until 4:00pm Monday-Friday.  Stop by and visit us!

World Mental Health Day

October 10 is World Mental Health Day, as recognized by the World Health Organization, with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilizing efforts in support of mental health.  We're celebrating with you by sharing 31

4 Ways to Cultivate Intellectual Wellness

“One of the secrets of life is to keep our intellectual curiosity acute”  – William Lyon Phelps

In our modern lives, there are so many things to keep track of: making

McWell featured in Observer

The McDonald Center for Student Well-Being was higlighted in The Observer on September 16.  Learn more about our scope of work by reading the article here!

Find our Health Hut!

Be on the lookout for McWell and our Health Hut this fall on Mondays (when weather agrees) from 11:00-1:00.  You'll find us near the dining halls sharing information and hosting activities that pertain to the various dimensions of well-being!  We look forward to seeing you there.