What is Financial Well-Being?

Author: Katrina Conrad

Using your dollars and "sense."

By now, you may have found our second collectible postcard for Spring Break & Beyond by visiting us or the Office of Student Enrichment on the second floor of LaFortune.  The featured topic of the postcard this week is Spending Wisely which connects us to our financial well-being piece of the Wellness Wheel pie.  Have you thought much about your financial well-being before?  If not, check out this article by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau which describes four key elements that play into your personal financial well-being. 

Have questions about financial well-being? ND has resources to support you in your journey towards financial well-being.  Be sure to check out the new Office of Student Enrichment as well as personalfinance.nd.edu which is run by the student-driven Financial Wellnes group. On their site, you'll find helpful information as well as dates and times of their monthly seminar series. You'll also find more tips and tools by visiting McWell's financial well-being page.

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