Well-Being Hack: Reducing Screen Time

Author: Katrina Conrad

Interested in a well-being hack? Check out this one, brought to you by McWell Student Assistant, Kenzie Issac: On a given day, try replacing fifteen minutes of every hour you spend looking at your phone or television with a personal mindfulness session. Oftentimes, we attempt to escape our daily stressors (albeit futilely) by immersing ourselves in the interesting, alternate realities provided through our technology. This is not always the best coping mechanism, especially since too much screen time can give you a headache, making it even more difficult to become productive. Do not run away from your worries; embrace them - put them into perspective - and you may find that they are not as urgent or as scary as you thought them to be. So the next time you decide to put off that paper by binge-watching a show on Netflix, slow down, and bring yourself to a stop. Close your eyes. Breathe. Release all of the pressure buildup in your head. Think about what you you are grateful for that day, what made you smile, which challenges served to be learning experiences. Who knows? Perhaps now you’ll feel energized enough to knock out that assignment after all!