Self-Care for Finals

Author: Katrina Conrad

Ways to Practice Self-Care During Finals. 

Finals week can certainly be challenging, which makes it that much more important to proactively nurture and maintain your personal well-being.  We recommend that students make a point to continue to practice their normal self-care routines, which can sometimes fall by the wayside during stressful times like finals week.  This includes things like taking the time to eat nutritious meals to nourish your mind and your body, giving yourself plenty of time to sleep (aiming for 7-9 hours per night for optimal performance), and continuing normal physical activity routines which can be excellent for stress relief.  Of course it's also important to practice other stress management techniques such as mindfulness and meditation, deep breathing, yoga, or even something as simple as intentionally taking a stroll around ND's beautiful campus.  Additionally, we are big advocates for taking intentional study breaks to engage in something that you love to do, even if it's only for a short period of time during your long study sessions!  

Visit this article by Her Campus, where McWell's Katrina Conrad and others share more insights on self-care during finals (and beyond).