On Coping with Homesickness

Author: Kenzie Isaac

Do you ever return to your dorm after a long day, longing for the comfort of your bedroom back home? Ever enter the dining hall praying that your grandma’s homemade soup somehow made the menu that evening? Have you ever desperately needed the advice of your high school best friend, but you knew that a Skype conversation would not nearly parallel the satisfaction you have from seeing them in person? If you responded “yes” to any of these questions, know that you are not alone. We have all been there, so don’t feel like you should repress your homesickness. Not only is communicating your feelings healthy – it is also a great starting point for receiving the support you need. There are plenty of resources around you that can guide you in the process of feeling happy and secure on campus. Every student has a coping mechanism when faced with a new and overwhelming environment, and this article outlines a few particularly effective ones. If you would like a student perspective on the matter, remember that the upperclassmen in your community are a treasure trove of knowledge as well.