Moderation for the Win

Author: Kenzie Isaac

I bear great news: there’s finally a way to take the “guilt” out of “guilty pleasure!” How, you might ask? For every “cheat food” you consume at the dining hall, supplement it with a nutritious side item. I highly recommend eating your side items first and slowly as well; they crush any temptations you have to go grab more of your “cheat food” by pre-filling your stomach with food that is both filling and easier to metabolize. Think of the side item consumption as “conditioning” your body before it takes on the main event! Is your mind absolutely set on the pizza in the dining hall tonight? No problem! If you want one slice of pizza, supplement it with a small side salad; if you feel drawn towards two or more slices of pizza, pick up a piece of fruit to eat alongside your salad. I also recommend investing in a large, reusable water bottle that you can refill regularly and carry with you from class to class. Not only does this encourage consistent hydration; with (free) water constantly in hand, you often feel less inclined to purchase soft drinks or juices when you pass by campus shops and restaurants. Before you know it, pairing your less healthy foods with more healthy ones will transition from an obligation into an enjoyable habit.